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self cooling中文是什么意思

用"self cooling"造句"self cooling"怎么读"self cooling" in a sentence


  • 自冷却


  • This is a newly introduced slight shocking , direct driving centrifugal hyro - extractor . the electric locomotive on its base is semi - closed , internal ventilating , self cooling , weight adding and energy saving . the internal drum and rotational drum are istalled on the axel of the locomotive and drived directly , which effectively decreases energyloss , and simplifies therotation . acontrolling box is used in the machine to start through frequency conversion . and stop through resistance . the showing board shows the rotation speed and adjusts the speed and time . the featues of this machine areenergy saving , durable and repair infrequent . this machine is spcially used for cloth hydroectraction
用"self cooling"造句  


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